Sometimes I feel like i am nothing,
nothing to everyone.

Sometimes I feel like I am full of love,
and being loved by everyone,

Sometimes I feel like I am the happiest person in the world,
because I have everything.

Sometimes I feel like I am the saddest person in this world,
because I have nothing.

I can be very happy at this moment,
and very depressed at the next.

I can also be entertained by very small things,
but also can be upset by very little things.

I dont really understand myself,
maybe it's because I am way too full of myself,
until i can't see anything, anything except myself.

He is the one,
who can just look through of me at one sight,
yet, he is also the one,
who knows everything about ME but understand nothing of my feelings.

since i dont understand my feelings either.

I know,
I know,
I know I have u, and u ,and u and him,
I can feel your care, your love and your tolerance,
I really can feel it, can be touched by all these love,
but somehow i m lonely, when u r not around.

Honestly, i hate the distance,
but i know it very well, the distance in km doesnt represent the distance of hearts.

and i understand that friends can't really accompany u forever,
we have our own dreams and roads,
we will meet different people and have different life,
we will even have our own family,
we are fated to be apart...
maybe the friendship will stay forever,
but we will never go back together,
there will be no cross-section between our lives.

my heart becomes painful whenever it comes to my mind....

i am still staying behind,
waiting u all to give me a hand.....

i am in love with him,
and have him beside me,
even though there's a screen between us,
but i am satisfied by the love he's given.....


i should be content to everything, shouldnt i?

yet, i can feel that something, be more specific,
a part of my heart is lost,
and it called friendship.

human's life is composed by 5 basics;
1 family
2 soulmate
3 friends
4 wealth
5 health

i have everything,
except friends

i dont know what i want to say,
am i just complaining about my sudden unsatisfaction??

oh yes,
i am.

my mind is full of nonsense.

like NOW.

    創作者 kaitheng225 的頭像


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